Thursday, May 17, 2012

Second Base

Two outs, bottom of the 9th, winning 4 to 3. I really want to beat those Yankee badly. Derek Jeter up. Saying to myself, “just get this last out.” Swing and a miss! Strike two. Count is 3-2. Next pitch... going at Jeter. He is starring at the ball... He hits a line drive hit to me. I dive, then I look in my glove there the ball is right in my glove. Now thinking in my head I just made the last play to end the game. Here come my teammates congratulating me. All of them very happy because we beat the number one team, the Yankees.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Authors Note- I wrote this for writing circles and to write about rainbows.

What is the point of rainbows you may ask yourself? I think that rainbows don't a purpose or a point they just appear when they do and people look at them to see all the colors. But why do rainbows appear? They appear when sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. Now knowing this rainbows are still going to be interesting to look at but now I know how they happen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Authors Note- I wrote about blue to see what i could come up with my writing.

Blue is a great color to me.... I like it because it is used for many things like walls in rooms or stores, paintings like water, and football fields like Boise States. Other things I like about blue is that most pro sport teams use blue like the Packers old jerseys, Blue Jays, Brewers, and many more. A good thing about blue is that it goes with anything almost and can substitute it with almost any color.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Authors Note- I am Writing for writing circles so we can see my thoughts on relationships.

Most of the time relationships don’t work,
but why do we have relationships? I think most of the time people in middle school have relationships to get more popular. Have the time that is the only reason, then they break up with them and tell everyone that they broke up with them to get even more popular. Think that way about relationships in middle school are pointless, but don't get me wrong they can mean something like they really like the person or love.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Girl Music

Authors Note- For writing circles. To see what Taylor Swift is like.

Taylor Swift Is my favorite girl artist. But Taylor isn’t just a singer she is a actor to. she has many movies to. Thos movies are Les Misérables, The Lorax, Valentine's Day, Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless, Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience. So as you can tell she isn’t just a singer.For people that haven't heard her music it is pretty good and is a country pop genre Some other thing that involve Taylor are she is 23 years old and was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvanian.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Authors Note- I wrote this to learn more bout Kanye West.

One of my favorite thing to do when I’m bored is listen to music. Kanye West is one of my favorite music artists. I have many of his songs on my ipod but he is not as popular as he use to be because he doesn’t have many new songs. One of my favorite songs by him is “Power “. Kanye also does many other things like film director and fashion designer. I don’t know of any movies or clothing but I’m guessing his close and movies sell a lot. Onething is Kanye and Jay-Z have many songs together. Kanye was born on June 8, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia. The First album he ever made was The College Dropout. Which was a good hit.