Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Tributes

The beginning of the book, The Hunger Games, people are being selected to be part of fight for food and money in a futuristic country that is like no other country we have today. People are treated differently because some are poor in the 12 districts and have to do many things for the Capital, home of the rich people. “The Hunger Games” are entertaining for these wealthy people in the Capital, but for the people in the games, it is not good for them; if they lose, they die.The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, helps readers understand that this kind of country is no place to live by describing action that helps the reader picture what is going on in a very realistic way.

Some people might be think why is there a Hunger Games. There is a Hunger Games for the rich people that live in the Capital which is a area for the rich people which is surrounded by the 12 Districts That are the smaller areas that the poor people live. Well like I was saying there is a Hunger games for the rich people that live in the Capital, but you might be thinking what is in it for they people that are chosen for the Hunger Games. The winner of the Hunger Games get lots of food and Money from the Capital.

As you can tell why there is a Hunger Games. What Happens in the Hunger Games though? Many things happen but most of it is the 12 Districts fighting and they Capital People watching. What you want to do is be safe though. Because a boy and a girl are both pick from each district so you want to be together the whole time. One thing you have to be is fast so you can run away from people.

Its is very hard because you have to work hard. But why do they do that in the Hunger Games? They do it for entertainment and food and money to win. They the stuff to help there family to get food and money because the families in the districts need lots of food and money because the capital has all it.

Realism found in The Hunger Games helps readers understand the book because what happens in the book you can imagine easier then in most books because if you can’t imagine it it’s hard to read. Plus most people don’t want to live in a country similar to the Districts and the Capital because if you lose in the Hunger Games you die.

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