Friday, May 31, 2013

The Letter

Authors Note: This is my essay about the letter that Henri writes for John before he dies. 

Everyone gets that one letter that means the world to them. John gets his from Henri. It is in his chest with all his stuff that he needs to survive for his life. This letter he gets is like the key to his life he gets told everything he needs to know. It also has some information that they could have use earlier and so they could find someone that could help them live. It is something that makes John change what he is doing just to help one of his friends. Why didn’t Henri just tell him right away?

John Learns that everything that happens in his life happens for a reason where he goes and even how it happens. He also finds out a lot about his life and what it was like on his planet and what happened when they got to Earth. Sam, John’s friend who has been telling him for a while now is that his dad has been abducted by aliens all John says that isn’t true and doesn’t believe him, but then the night comes when John decides to read the letter from Henri. 

He reads the letter and the one thing in the letter that he never thought would even be possible is true. In the letter it says that when you first move to the Earth you are given a person that gets the war and why it is happening. This person helps you get to your first destination on Earth and then you are on your own. That person that first helped them on Earth was Sam’s Dad. After a day with him he left and that was the last time they saw him. Then it says that the reason that they moved to Paradise, Ohio it is because they could be closer to Sam’s Dad, but when they got there they found out that he was gone. Henri thought it was because the Morgidrians kidnapped him. Sam might not take it well though.

When John lets Sam read the letter Sam isn’t really that made because he always knew that happened, but then it makes his think about some stuff that his Dad would talk about when he was a kid. It all starts to make scene to him. Letter explain everything to him about his Dad and why he is one now. Henri didn’t tell him because Sam would get into it and most of it was just to save his life. That’s why they think that Sam’s Dad was gone just to save him because otherwise he could be killed. Now all they have to do is find Sam’s Dad so they can get help and for Sam.

When Sam finds out about his Dad he is mad till he finds about why this happens and why Henri didn’t tell him about him. All of it was just to save Sam and Sam knows that. Now what he wants to do is find his Dad and John also does to. They need to find him because he is one of the last people on Earth that can help them with the war.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Getting Accused

Authors Note: This is my text analysis on the book The Power of Six. I did this on how what happens in the book happens in real life.  

Crime happens. There are always crimes that are done in the world. People go on the run to not get caught after what they do so they don’t have to go to prison. Sometimes the person that gets accused is the person that didn't even do the crime. When John, Six, and Sam get accused for something they did their lives change rapidly and they are on the run for their lives from the world and the Morgidarians that are hunting them down and if they catch them again there lives could end. 

After John and Six destroy a school in Paradise, Ohio they are all over the news. There are million dollar rewards out for them. That is a really bad thing because that could give up there position to the Morgidrains and it is a easier way for them to be found. Now they are forced to live in the middle of nowhere and stay away from everyone so they don’t get caught. The thing is that no one knows about this war on planet earth for them.All they are trying to do is save there lives and planet. No one knows about these beast that are after them to kill them and take over there planet. This happens in really life all the time though when people get accused for thing that are to help people.

Just like in the book Holes the boy gets accused for stealing shoes from a store when they are really thrown by someone and lands by him and he takes them. The boy in the story wasn't really the one who stole them he just thought they were a pair of shoes someone did want, but instead they were stolen and he gets accused for it because he has them. 

This happens all the time like in the Boston Marathon. There were many pictures that were taken. There were many people that were taken pictures of after the bombing and they thought they were part of it because they were running away or even near it. This is like the book they get accused for trying to save their lives just like the people running away from the bomb. People accuse them because they did something they didn't like. Like people want the person who did it the day of so they accuse these people even though it really isn't them. People don’t notice that what the person did is something they would do to.

In the story people don’t notice that John could have been killed if they didn't fight the Morgidrians at the school and also the would have had six to kill after that. Half the people in Paradise didn't even know who John was until that happened. John risked his life to save that town and now they accuse him for being a criminal. That is why they shouldn't get accused for something they didn't do. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Working Harder

Authors Note: The is my text analysis I did it on m=one of the most important quotes in Night Hoops.  

“There was no anger in his voice, no disappointment even. It was as if he'd given up on me. He pulled his keys out of his pocket. "I should be going now. Merry Christmas, Nick” 

This was an important quote because this made Nick think about what was happening in his life and how it was completely changing. This made Nick realize that he had to work hard and that he has to work to get somewhere in his life. Will Nick work harder though?

This really got Nick think that he had to work hard because he didn’t make the team to go to California for Christmas to play basketball. He knew that his dad was disappointed that he didn’t make it because of one shot he took. That one thing could change his life. He thought that he would have never played in a game again because of that.

Nick worked and worked to get back on the court. Then that one day happens and he gets another chance to play.  Nick works his hardest on the court with Trent and because of that he gets on the front cover of the Seattle magazine and that shocks everyone. Now all Nick’s hard work pays off because he doesn’t just get the spot back in second string but he gets the starting stop. Him and Trent work there hardest and then end up in the championship game, but there is one thing holding them back from it and it is Trent leaving to live with his brother. That bring the whole team down until a time out when the crowd starts to scream Dawson, Dawson, Dawson. The team looks around and that moment Trent comes running on to the court and the crowd goes wild. They finish that game off winning it and that is what can happen if you work your hardest.

If Nick didn’t work hard he would have never made it as far as he did. Hard work will pay off if you really do work hard. That is what Nick did he didn't stop until he was where he wanted to be and he ended up doing what he wanted.