Thursday, May 2, 2013

Working Harder

Authors Note: The is my text analysis I did it on m=one of the most important quotes in Night Hoops.  

“There was no anger in his voice, no disappointment even. It was as if he'd given up on me. He pulled his keys out of his pocket. "I should be going now. Merry Christmas, Nick” 

This was an important quote because this made Nick think about what was happening in his life and how it was completely changing. This made Nick realize that he had to work hard and that he has to work to get somewhere in his life. Will Nick work harder though?

This really got Nick think that he had to work hard because he didn’t make the team to go to California for Christmas to play basketball. He knew that his dad was disappointed that he didn’t make it because of one shot he took. That one thing could change his life. He thought that he would have never played in a game again because of that.

Nick worked and worked to get back on the court. Then that one day happens and he gets another chance to play.  Nick works his hardest on the court with Trent and because of that he gets on the front cover of the Seattle magazine and that shocks everyone. Now all Nick’s hard work pays off because he doesn’t just get the spot back in second string but he gets the starting stop. Him and Trent work there hardest and then end up in the championship game, but there is one thing holding them back from it and it is Trent leaving to live with his brother. That bring the whole team down until a time out when the crowd starts to scream Dawson, Dawson, Dawson. The team looks around and that moment Trent comes running on to the court and the crowd goes wild. They finish that game off winning it and that is what can happen if you work your hardest.

If Nick didn’t work hard he would have never made it as far as he did. Hard work will pay off if you really do work hard. That is what Nick did he didn't stop until he was where he wanted to be and he ended up doing what he wanted. 

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